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A free photo editor published by Google with plenty of features and no unnecessary content

Google LLC | 17 more apps |
updated on June 20, 2024
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26.3mb | free


Completely free with no ads
Very simple, focuses on photo editing and nothing else
Many effects and filters to choose from
Some of them are quite unique to this app


We wish there were more options to transform the image using AI
Price: $
Finding a good photo editing app is still hard these days. To be honest, there are many great apps that really provide advanced and professional photo editing features. However, most of them need to be paid for in order to unlock all features. Let's take a look at one which comes with no ads and no hidden in-app purchase requirements!

Snapseed is a photo editing app available for free. It's developed and published by Google and that explains why it's completely free to use. What we love about the app is that there are no features that aren't closely related to photo editing. From the home screen, you need to press the plus button in order to add a photo. After that, you do what you want with it.

There are a lot of preset filters under the Styles tab and you can use them for one-click editing. If none of these filters work for you, head over to the Tools tab. Here, you can find plenty of features you may not have even heard of. Sure, there are also basic tools available such as various adjustments (contrast, brightness, saturation, etc.), cropping, rotation and adding text. The number of different effects and filters you can apply to your photo is just amazing and we leave you to try them out!

The Perspective feature enables you to change the perspective of the image. This artificially changes the angle at which the photo was taken. There is a Selective option which enables you to select an area of the photo where you wish to apply certain changes. The Brush feature uses a brush to selectively apply an effect. If you ever take a photo and feel that your head is in a weird angle, the Head pose effect can completely change that and keep the photo looking natural!

There are many more features you can check out! Still, we wish there were more photo transformation effects that could utilize Google's great AI technology. The photo you create can be shared and exported easily. You can choose to resize it or manage its quality in Settings.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• Android 11.0+

Operating system


Package name


Supported languages

Available in multiple languages


Total: 39
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